
Hi!   My name is Britt Overmars, a native of Antigonish, NS.
After travelling throughout Canada, Australia and Mexico, my husband, David and I decided to settle down in Antigonish, our hometown.

Britt Overmars Yoga

My travels introduced me to yoga, which resulted in me becoming a professional yoga instructor. My yoga journey started over 10 years ago in Halifax when introduced to Ashtanga and hot yoga (Moksha) classes.It was during this time that I realized that yoga was much more than holding poses and breathing; instead the experience became internal. It is amazing how your mind and body will experience a particular pose depending on the depth of your breath. This would be the beginning of my lifelong journey of embracing the breath body connection.

My geographic journey took me to British Columbia, where I enrolled in an intensive 200-hour YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) program with Semperviva Yoga Studio. This training introduced me to many forms of Yoga and immersed me in the Yoga community.  My passion was solidified upon my introduction to Kundalini Yoga. The teachers at Semperviva took me to another level of awareness; giving me a broader prospective including mental clarity and calmness, along with developing a deeper connection with myself. 

My goal is to introduce yoga to those who wish to experience the wonderful benefits of yoga.